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What Happened to the Ancient Mayans?

What Happened to the Ancient Mayans?

The Mayans peaked long before European explorers arrived (roughly 1,200 years ago, while Columbus only arrived about 500 years ago). New laser technology is giving archaeologists clues about what made Mayan civilization decline to the point that it was largely undefended when the Spanish arrived.

We know Columbus arrived on the scene in 1492, and the Conquistador Cortes came nearly 30 years later. By that time, many Mayan cities were like they are today: hidden under the growth of the rain forest. And the main city-state that was in power in the region were the Aztecs.

Emperor Montezuma of the Aztecs did not experience a good end to his regime. Cortes sacked his city with only 400 men, killed him, and then murdered an estimated 240,000 people on his way to founding Mexico City. With that kind of wholesale slaughter, it’s probably best that the Mayans were largely not around.